Thursday, September 4, 2014

Craptain America

BANG! POW! ZORT! IT'S A BRAND NEW EPISODE OF THE 3 DRUNK GEEKS! Be sure and tune in as James, Neil, and Grover knock a few back and talk about what's going on in the land of the nerdy.

In this episode:

- The Rock announces his role as Black Adam!
- Captain America may be taking a step back in the MCU
- Liam Neeson would have liked to have risen from the dead as Ra's al Ghoul
- Amazon revives The Tick!
- Wesley Snipes is outta jail and ready to kill some vampires.
- Grover tells us about his time amongst the Otakus at Saboten Con 2014


Neil reminisces about The Hartford Whalers, Grover confesses his new love of cross-dressing (including DO WANTing a rather iconic geek wig),  and James sings high praise for The League in this week's NOW STREAMING.

All this, how fantasy football is like D&D for jocks, and MORE on...

"Craptain America"

Cheers and Enjoy!

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